Oh gosh, these two keep me smiling! If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times (and I’ll probably say it a thousand more)—I am so thankful for them in my life. My dogs have played a massive role in my healing journey over the years and continue to be my sidekicks through all of life’s highs and lows.
Another thing that has been a huge help in navigating tough times is adjusting my morning movement to match what I need emotionally. There have been seasons when I’ve leaned into calming yoga or danced around my living room just to spark some joy. Today, I chose strength training to feel grounded and strong, followed by an MMA-style workout video—because let’s be honest, punching and kicking the air in my living room is a much healthier way to release frustration than other options!
For those of you who also incorporate movement into your day, have you ever thought about why you choose the workouts you do?
I ask because, for years, I lived in the fear and punishment category.
There were times when I used exercise as a way to “make up” for something I ate during my eating disorder years. Other times, I pushed myself too hard without rest because I was frustrated with life’s challenges. I told myself that working harder, running farther, or lifting heavier would make me feel better—but in reality, it only left me feeling worse.
It took years of slowing down, processing emotions in a healthier way, breaking old habits, and forming better ones to get to where I am today. Now, the way I move my body actually helps me—not just physically, but mentally. It gets my head on straight for the day and makes me feel strong, capable, and grounded.
I share this not to say, “Oh hey, look at me and what I can do!” but to encourage you to take a step back and reflect.
Movement should be a tool to empower you, not a way to punish yourself. So today, I encourage you to choose movement from a place of love. One day at a time, one choice at a time—you’ve got this. ❤️